High Quality Lithics, Primitive & Traditional Craft Supplies, Gallery-style Weaponry Replicas & Unique Collectibles

Antiqued flintknapped stone tomahawk blade
Stone antiqued knapped tomahawk blade, reverse

Antiqued Stone Tomahawk Blade

Regular price $21.00

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Antiqued Stone Tomahawk Blades are finished, knapped hawk heads in Keokuk chert.  Mount classic hawk-shaped blade in handle to produce a fine replica stone axe or tomahawk. Professionally knapped in the USA. Sold individually.

  • Antiqued with iron and carbon to look OLD
  • Small: approx. 4½-5 inches x 2-2½ inches
  • Standard: approx. 5 x 2-2½ inches
  • Large: approx. 6 x 3 inches

NOTE: Our Keokuk chert has a coarser texture compared to other stone we use.  While the Keokuk blades may be a little thicker and not as finely flaked as blades in other materials, they make unique, authentic looking replicas.
