High Quality Lithics, Primitive & Traditional Craft Supplies, Gallery-style Weaponry Replicas & Unique Collectibles

Deluxe stone knife kit with antler handle & pigment, glue, rawhide strip, glue & label with instructions
Knapped deluxe stone antler knife kit with kit contents

Deluxe Stone Blade Knife Kit with Antler Handle

Regular price $40.00

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Make your own primitive-style stone bladed knife. This is NOT your ordinary stone knife kit!

 Our kits are designed to produce ancient-looking items. The antler handles are naturally cracked from weathering but are the type a Native American would use for full utility. Our instructions suggest surface treatment and waxing the project.  Features an excellent blade matched and grooved into a weathered white deer antler handle. The instructions detail several ways this kit can be assembled to look old, methods for modifying the handle and blade, and other assembly and finishing tips. Create a one-of-a-kind stone bladed knife. No two kits exactly alike!

The handles on these are weathered white to off white mule deer antler sheds, and we intentionally select antler that is cracked and ancient looking.

Kit includes:

  • Finished, US-made large stone blade, 4½ to 5½"
  • Rough-sanded weathered antler handle stock
  • Rawhide hafting material
  • Natural granular hide glue
  • Pigment pack--dull yellow & dull red
  • Instructions for gluing, hafting, and finishing project

Blade color varies in shades of off-white, gray, and brown. Total blade length 4½ to 5½
inches. Professionally knapped blade made in USA using percussion and pressure flaking techniques--no import knock-offs here!
