Stone Blade Knife with Buffalo Jawbone Handle features a 4 to 5 inch knapped flint, chert, or novaculite stone blade, glued in the socket of a buffalo jawbone handle, and decorated with fine line engravings. Most have encrustations of pebbles lodged in the recesses of the handle mimicking pitch or asphaltum. With museum or gallery quality, our knives are antiqued to look as if they were picked up from the floor of a cave, then handled to create a mellow polish over time.
Knives are tools that have evolved with humans through the ages--the stone blade being replaced with bronze, then steel. Though peoples that relied on stone tools need not go to the trouble of hafting a knife--a fresh stone flake is razor sharp and easy to replace--our stone bladed knives are designed to be reminders of how well an ancient stone knife could be made.
Note: Our weaponry replicas unusually ship within 2 weeks, but may require up to 4 weeks to fulfill.